IPTV launching

Customer: Telecom Operator


  • launch new OTT service with minimum CAPEX
  • increase subscriber base
  • grow sells of other telecom VAS services

Description of the solution

A South-Asian Telecom Operator provides IPTV service and faces tough competition for the subscribers in the region. The challenge was to launch new OTT service with minimum CAPEX increasing subscriber base, providing competitive services and growing sells of other telecom VAS services.

Virtual CDN solution is specially developed for custom in-house implementation of content-delivery network. The solution helps to optimize CAPEX / OPEX insuring the best quality of video delivery and elastic real-time scalability to avoid traffic peaks and surges. The in-house CDN solution is designed with consideration of all the aspects of custom demand such as network architecture and capacity, existing services, planning subscribers’ increase, etc. The solution helps Telecom Operator to implement OTT services significantly reduced CAPEX involving existing telecom network. It also helped to localize traffic offload uplink and improve the quality of service offering the subscribers better data bundles at flexible pricing. vCDN solution enabled to deliver both IPTV and OTT bringing more advantages to IPTV service extending it to multiscreen video delivery including SMART TV, mobiles, PC’s and tablets. It helped to successfully compete and grow monetization implementing new services such as Ad Injection, Virtual Commentator and the own services. The solution allows to implement different business models – subscription and pay-as-you-go which gives flexibility for the subscribers.

The vCDN is open to integrate with the third-party products and solutions – OTT platforms, middleware, and infrastructure suppliers, etc. CDNvideo professionals maintain contentdelivery network saving costs on expensive teams of developers, engineers, product managers. Benefits vCDN implementation helped to achieve the goals. The audience increase amounted +47% for the last year. There was a significant improvement of ARPU and LTV, including the reduction of churn rate. The video consumption statistics helps to implement personalization in promoting telecom services. It also allowed to compose attractive package offers to drive up- and crosssells of core and VAS services.

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