CDN for Gaming Companies

Gaming experience is where speed matters most. To grow your user base and retain your loyal gamers, you need to be protected from traffic peaks and surges. CDNvideo’s content delivery network helps take the load off your own infrastructure and make use of a global CDN able to deliver content to any part of the world with minimal latency.

Game CDN by CDNvideo

Based on the experience we gained serving gaming companies, we have made a Game CDN offering specifically for this type of business. We enable you to concentrate on the creative and commercial part of your business, while we focus on content delivery and distribution.

Game Update Delivery

Gaming companies often face issues when they need to update their game version asap on multiple end user devices. The less time it takes the better. We at CDNvideo understand it and take this burden off your shoulders too (we accelerate update distribution using our CDN). If you are at the pre-launch phase, we can make launch easier for you in a very similar way, accelerating game pack distribution.

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