Acceleration of non-cacheable dynamic content

The most efficient delivery of non-cacheable dynamic content is achieved by utilizing the shortest path of the middle mile. End-users are able to get content from a local point of presence thanks to over 2,800+ CDN POPs in over 70 countries and regions.

• Faster responses in the application layer

• We provide the best performance over long haul segments of the internet.

• Decreases the load on server database assets.

• Dramatically improved the performance of APIs.

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Our valued customers:

Solution benefits

Intelligent Scheduling
Our patented load balancer selects the best & optimal path to deliver your static or dynamic content

Protocols Support
New protocols include HTTP 2.0, IPv6, QUIC, and TLS 1.3.

Dynamic & Static Separation
We are separating dynamic and static content, where custom configuration can be applied for more efficient acceleration.

Additional services

Web Acceleration

Store your website copies in our secure content delivery network to increase conversion rates thanks to the faster website loading

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DDOS protection

Dishonest competitors and delinquents launch DDoS attacks via the Internet. Distributed DoS attacks create problems for the website by causing a denial of service.

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Web Application Firewall

Web Applications tend to be primarily targeted, causing security breaches.

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Related Case Studies

Video content delivery and geo-fencing for Ivi online cinema

Starting from 2017 we work with Ivi, one of the largest online cinemas in Russia and CIS. We not only deliver their content to a selection of target countries but also help them save money applying geo-fencing.

To order this solution, please contact us:

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